What Can Be Done for Reverse Brain Drain
by Companies?

Living in the same geography and speaking the same language may not always be enough to understand each other. Economic, political and technological developments have an important role in the differentiation of thought structures, lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors of generations. This differentiation in the attitudes and behaviors of generations is especially evident in their working lives. Generation conflicts that arise due to communication breakdowns and disagreements between young and old generations are the problems encountered in business life. Each generation inherits their own stories, realities and feelings to the next generation, so for a country to realize itself and build a better future, generations need to understand the previous and next generation. The young generation who want to be understood or not understood, who want to be heard or not, is now looking for a solution by immigrating from their own country. 

In the current order, where the generation gap is more pronounced than in the past, creating a business environment where values ​​and perspectives do not conflict and experiences and knowledge are shared in a more supportive way will be more productive and beneficial for all generations. In particular, since the uniform practices of enterprises in the management processes do not comply with the business values ​​of the young generation, some radical changes should be made. As long as businesses do not make radical changes in their management processes, young talents will continue to leave our country.

It is obvious that the young brain drain, which has become a serious problem for our country, is not given the necessary attention or it is late in showing it, but we can always think of more than one solution for the reverse brain drain to occur. We, as a team, bring young Turkish talents from the world together with Turkey's leading companies in order to prevent the problems that have caused the rapid increase in brain drain over the years and that will cause them in the future, and we provide the communication of companies with the new generation young talents on a professional platform. By understanding and analyzing the troubles of our own generation, we develop ways and take actions to support reverse brain drain with the aim of increasing the welfare level of Turkey. We have listed our collaborations with companies that emphasize and attach importance to reverse brain drain under 3 main headings for you.

1- Announcement of Your Recruitment and Talent Programs 📢: You can increase your employer brand awareness for young Turkish talents studying abroad by announcing your job and internship postings and talent programs to young Turkish talents studying abroad.

  • Social Media Channels 💻
  • Whatsapp Groups 📱
  • E-mailing  📧

2- Recruitment and Talent Program Design 📑: We can design a recruitment and talent program specific to your brand for young Turkish talents studying abroad.

3- Etkinlikler 🔖: Online ve Offline olarak düzenlediğimiz profesyonel etkinlikler aracılığıyla yurt dışında okuyan genç Türk yeteneklerle bir araya gelerek yeteneklerin şirketinize katılımını sağlayabilirsiniz.

  • Great Talks: C- Level Chat 💬
  • Great Mock: Mock Interview 📼