What Does Generation Z Want in Business Life?

With the inclusion of Generation Z in business life, the modern workforce is being reshaped. The technology-driven generation wants more flexibility, more work/life balance, and more unconventional employee benefits. Employers need to be prepared to meet these demands. For this reason, leading organizations need to analyze Generation Z well and strategize on how to offer this generation what they want in a job.

Generation Z values ​​more than health insurance, compensation, and retirement plans that were important to previous generations. They look at the workplace holistically, such as whether the company culture and benefits align with their lifestyle. Research shows that Generation Z prioritizes work/life balance and personal well-being. Specifically, they are seeking benefits that go beyond their coverage, such as health insurance. These could be alternatives such as unlimited paid leave, mental health days, or financial health programs. 

Work/Life Balance and Flexibility

Flexible options are at the forefront in new work profiles around the world. The data show that flexibility also overtakes healthcare as a primary benefit. Working fluently and comfortably with digital tools, Generation Z prefers to work from home or in areas that are more suitable for their lives. This generation wants a fluid and individual management style where they can complete their work in their own way and in their own time. Employers looking to attract and retain Gen Z talent should make sure they offer some flexible workplace options, such as hybrid or fully remote working days, paid leave.


Generation Z, who grew up in the digital world, never knew a world without the internet and grew up more technology-oriented than other age groups. Thus, they know that they can access information quickly and easily from anywhere, anytime. This means that employers looking to hire this generation need to invest in technology platforms and mobile apps where Generation Z employees can easily manage their tasks.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Diversity, equality and inclusion are an increasingly important issue in today's business environment as Generation Z seeks employers that are more aligned with their values. When this generation witnesses discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity in business life, they know that they can express their problems more openly to large audiences through social media. As such, this generation seems to hold their employers to higher standards.

Career Growth and Development Opportunities

Generation Z spends more time learning than previous generations, especially by watching online courses. As such, they state that they need development opportunity to advance in their work roles. Employers should secure this generation of young talents in the long term by investing in young talents. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Generation Z places importance on authenticity, activism and values, as they have been raised in a more socially conscious manner than any other generation. They pay attention to the compatibility of an organization's values ​​with their own and prefer to work in companies where ethical values ​​are at the forefront, believing that solving today's social problems is as important as making a profit. Leading the digital age and growing up with a range of social justice issues at the center, Generation Z is a generation that has grown up understanding that their voices are strong and that their actions can create change. So, when it comes to corporate social responsibility, Generation Z demands them.
