Reverse Brain Drain 101

Before explaining the concept of brain drain it is useful to remember the concept of brain drain again. “Again” should be reminded because it is a concept that has gained a lot of popularity due to the increase in brain drain in recent years and unfortunately we are familiar with it. In its most general definition, brain drain is the migration of well-educated, qualified individuals to developed countries in order to work or live in a more prosperous environment in underdeveloped or developing countries. Although we have some idea about the causes of brain drain from our country, research shows that the two main reasons for qualified brain drain are economic inadequacy and the political climate of the country.

After making a brief introduction to the subject, we can talk about the reverse brain drain. As it can be understood from the first word, reverse brain drain is a state of going back, that is, the return of qualified individuals from the country they migrated to their country in order to continue their life in more prosperous conditions, in order to gain capital and to benefit their country by using their experience and knowledge. 

In a study conducted on individuals who went abroad for education and returned to Turkey, it was stated that among the primary causes of brain drain, it was more difficult to advance in their academic careers due to their attachment to the family due to marital status and the nationalist attitude of the academic community abroad. In addition to those who do not return, the question "What do those who do not think about returning, do they think about returning?" is actually a question that affects the future of all of us and that we should think about. A study conducted by Evrim Kuran gives the answer to this question: the first answer of the participants in the research is the change in political conditions with a rate of 27.1%, and the second answer is a change in economic conditions with a rate of 23.1% 

Of course, it is obvious that reverse brain drain is and should be more than an abstract concept, especially in our country. Due to the frequent migration of young Turkish talents in our country, the lack of qualified brain power is felt quite a lot. On the contrary, brainstorming should be done on what kind of strategies should be implemented by competent people and institutions and how these strategies should be implemented in order for the brain drain to occur in a way that provides the most optimal benefit. 
